
Electricity consumption purchased with Guarantee of Origin contracts (MWh) 617.136 603.122 Electricity produced by photovoltaic system (MWh) 41 45 Natural gas consumption (m³) 153.594 116.504 GHG Emissions (t CO₂eq) Scope 1 emissions 422 378 Market-based Scope 2 emissions 0 0 Location-based Scope 2 emissions 158 154 Offset emissions 361 320,4 Waste produced (t) • non-hazardous: 104,1 119,67 • hazardous: 0,1 1,6 Dimensione economica L’ambiente Le persone Fatturato (M€) 95 102 2022 2022 5 Employees as of 31/12 119 136 New recruits 18 27 Training hours 192 948 Accidents at work 2 1 Key numbers Economics The Environment Personnel Turnover (M€) 2021