
52 Project for People carries out solidarity work and international cooperation projects in Italy, India, Brazil and Benin. The commitment is to improve the living conditions of more than one million people, especially women and children, in terms of their health, education and economic situation. One of Project for People’s main activities has been the construction and maintenance of the ‘Maison des Petits’ in Benin, which provides care for orphaned or abandoned children and young people from the ages of 2 to 18, providing them with the support of specialised personnel, medical care and the educational opportunities. The beneficiaries of the programme get daily hot meals, go to school, are treated when they fall ill and receive protection from child exploitation. Special attention is given to minors who have been victims of trafficking. Specific psychological and educational support is provided for them. The project includes a shelter located in the town of Calavi, close to the capital, and a second facility in the municipality of Gouka.The latter was recently completed with the aim of expanding the reception services and providing suitable indoor spaces, such as study rooms, as well as outdoor spaces that include a courtyard. The new Maison des Petits can accommodate an additional 50 children during the daytime hours. Osculati has contributed to the health and food security of the children involved in the project by enabling the construction of the facility’s new dining hall where children and young people receive healthy meals every day for their growth, with the company donating €6,000 for this purpose.