
Manager 8% White Collar 77% Blue Collar 15% 2022 Manager 8% White Collar 74% Blue Collar 18% 2021 48 Safeguard of diversity and inclusiveness For Osculati, diversity and inclusion mean ensuring a corporate environment that makes its employees feel they belong and are part of a team, leaving them free to be themselves. In terms of equal opportunities, Osculati is committed to combating any form of discrimination relating to gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation or diversity of opinion. Although the company does not have a formalised procedure, it is ready to intervene if incidents of non-compliance are reported, including by calling in external professionals. No incidents of discrimination were reported in either 2021 or 2022. The presence of women in the company: Members of governing bodies < 30 30-50 > 50 Total 2021 2022 Men 0 2 1 3 Men 0 2 1 3 Women 0 1 0 1 Women 0 1 0 1 Total 0 3 1 4 Total 0 3 1 4 Percentage of female employees by employment category