
39 For Osculati it is essential to be able to offer its customers a safe and quality product, while it continually strives to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its business processes. Given the nature of the processes and products marketed, the Company decided to adopt a Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard. The Quality Management System is supported by various procedures indicated in the reference documents that contain the methods used in all the company processes and activities, whether managerial or operational, designed to ensure the safety of products and services. The procedures set forth: • the process for achieving quality objectives for new products (determining product specifications, with the functional characteristics that have to be assured, and together with the associated monitoring and testing procedures); • the system to ensure improved supplier quality; • the system in place to adapt the human resources to quality programmes through education and training. The objectives, defined by function and process, must be at once ambitious, realistic, measurable and visible, and it is for exactly this purpose that the internal Integrated Quality Management Team was established. The IQMT is a team that integrates different technical skills, ensuring intrinsic quality in every product and in every circumstance, while able to identify errors and actively intervene to remedy them and to minimise future risks. The team acts in the various stages of both production and the other areas of performance, including in the monitoring of Quality, After-sales and Return Customer Service, and is able to identify, correct and track any material non-conformities. The team thus ensures that each product reaches and meets the determined quality standards, while maintaining constant quality levels over time. The General Management of Osculati monitors and evaluates the evolution and development of the Quality Management System through: • analysis of the company’s performance vis a vis the quality and safety targets set by the management • The results of any inspections • The identification of critical issues and opportunities for improvements to and the updating and improving of the Quality System and its documentation. At least once a year, the Team Leader draws up and submits to the Management a statistical analysis and classification of data on product quality and safety indicators in relation to: • Supplier Quality • Product non-compliance - Customer complaints and any production processes non-compliance Here are some data and figures: • 65,000 - annual checks • 50 - Product certifications every year and collaborations with reputable laboratories • 15,000 hours - Salt spray test every year • 10,000 hours - UV tests every year • Breaking load test • Electrical tests • IPXX test