
68,913 59,730 69,009 52,448 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 Kg of FSC® paper used by OSCULATI for commercial printing 2019 2020 2021 2022 34 Respect for the environment at every printing stage Even today it is essential for Osculati to have an up-to-date printed catalogue of its products to reach out to its customers in over 100 countries, to enhance its brand identity, to consolidate customer loyalty and to increase its sales online and in shops. The catalogue also gives potential customers the feeling that they are dealing with an important, reliable, well-structured and motivated company. Osculati printed 13,682 catalogues with 1,112 pages of copy in the year 2022 alone, plus several smaller print project, totalling 52,572 kg of paper. We are however very conscious of the importance of limiting the environmental impact of these activities, so since 2019 OSCULATI has been using for all of its printed products: FSC® paper Paper of the FSC® standard are not physically different from traditional papers. Although identical in appearance they have a very different story to tell, with quite distinct origins of the cellulose from which they are made. This is paper from forests that are properly and responsibly managed according to strict environmental, social and economic standards. Those who adhere to this standard are obliged to respect policies enshrining ethical values of biodiversity, workers’ rights, avoidance of child labour and discrimination, ensuring the payment of wages in line with national labour contracts, and the protection of company and environmental safety Products using recycled papers are recognisable from the logo on the product itself (as shown in the picture). Kg of recycled paper used by Osculati for the sustainability report and similar printing. 2021 124.83 kg While for other printed matter, such as this document, Osculati uses: Recycled paper Recycled paper is that made from waste paper and cardboard, so it does not involve the felling of trees, just the re-use of various kinds of paper. Products using FSC-certified papers are recognisable from the logo on the product itself (as shown in the picture).