
GOGREEN CERTIFICATE 2022 offset a total of 25 tons CO2e WtW for 2022 with GoGreen Products and Services. Deutsche Post DHL Group has offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by transportation and logistics through worldwide, registered climate protection projects. OSCULATI S.R.L. More details about the DPDHL GoGreen Projects Portfolio and selection criteria can be found at: dpdhl.com/gogreen-projects This certificate is issued by Deutsche Post DHL Group. The greenhouse gas emissions stated on this certificate (reported as CO₂e*) include emissions from transport and logistics as well as upstream emissions from fuel and energy production. The emissions have been calculated and offset via expenditures on climate protection projects as mentioned above. SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) has verified the tracked greenhouse gas emissions and the related offsets against the Carbon Management System and according to the „Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard“ for the period of 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022. * CO₂e: The CO₂ equivalents for emission compensation include carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other greenhouse gases such as methane (CH₄). Andreas Mündel Senior Vice President Innovation & Strategy 31 A preliminary result has been achieved for 2022 taking account of the offsetting all shipments to domestic customers. Because of the company’s commitment and its cooperation with its long-standing partner BRT, all shipments are CO₂ neutral, due to the implementation of the projects that offset greenhouse gas emissions by producing clean energy from renewable sources. To reduce the impact of shipping to customers primarily in Northern Europe, such as in Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, as well as to the UK and Germany, Osculati has collaborated with its partner DHL, joining the GoGreen Climate Neutral project to offset their carriage emissions. Offsetting is carried out on all transport routes with high-quality emission credits, including VER (Verified Emission Reductions) from recognised climate protection projects worldwide, in accordance with the ‘Gold standard’. This year this project has seen 28.40 t of CO₂ generated by transport and logistics for Osculati offset by means of climate protection projects and local community support. All of Osculati’s transport management partners are committed to changing their ways of working such as to achieve emissions neutrality by the year 2040. Osculati supports this commitment by selecting companies with similar sustainability goals for the transportation of goods to customers.