
CO2 emissions- Scope 12 Unit 2021 2022 Total - Scope 1 emissions t CO₂e 422 378 Automotive fuel Gas for heating systems Diesel t CO₂e 64 79 Petrol t CO₂e 52 69 Methane t CO₂e 299 227 29 Direct emissions In 2022 direct emissions (Scope 1) amounted to 378 ton CO₂eq are made up of emissions from the use of heating systems (natural gas) and company vehicles (diesel and petrol). As in 2021, Osculati has decided to fully offset its direct emissions, both those related to the natural gas it uses (Zero Impact® Project), and those related to transport, through its adherence to the BLUE VALLEY project. An Italian project to offset emissions BLUE VALLEY is an Italian agricultural company that produces its carbon credits by means of an innovative Carbon Capture Storage process in Valle Dogà, in the Northern Lagoon of Venice and close to the Sile riverbank, covering an area of 1680 hectares. Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) is a process by which large quantities of carbon are captured and stored in two types of seaweed that are plentiful in Venice’s lagoon, macroalgae, visible to the naked eye, and phytoplankton. These underwater organisms capture CO₂ through photosynthesis. When winter arrives, they die and settle in the muddy seabed, thus acting as a carbon dioxide storage system. As a result of this project, Osculati fully offset its transport-related emissions in 2022. ² The following conversion factors were used in the calculation of emissions: - Diesel and petrol: DEFRA coefficients (UK Department on Environment) - Methane: Point-in-time data in the certificate for zero-impact natural gas purchase provided by Lifegate Energy