
28 Impatto Zero® energy Impatto Zero® is the first Italian project that calculates, reduces and compensates CO₂ emissions of products and activities. This system, in full accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, offsets the impact of production and distribution, contributing to the protection of growing forests and energy efficiency projects. All renewables involve environmentally friendly power generation processes with very low CO₂ emissions. Osculati has chosen to use a partner whose renewable energy and gas production and distribution have been fully offset with carbon credits from an energy efficiency project in India and with carbon credits from projects that plant and protect growing forests in Madagascar. The installations that supply renewable electricity to Osculati are located in Italy. By joining this environmentally friendly project there is thus also an increase in the share of renewables produced within our own national borders, giving real support to the economy and innovation in our country and increasing Italy’s energy independence. Domestic and renewable sourcing is certified by the Electricity and Gas Authority through GOs (Guarantees of Origin) acquired with the energy. Impatto Zero® projects for the offsetting of emissions Osculati contributes to a number of energy offset projects in different countries around the world through the purchase of green energy. Among the principal areas concerned are Madagascar, India and Brazil.