
Brand turnover in M € 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 0 20 40 60 43 45 48 54 61 63 68 74 76 110 80 100 120 118 23 Economic performance The economic performance of the brand In 2022, despite the world picture still affected by the problems associated with the pandemic, Osculati achieved a turnover of €118 M, performing particularly well in the European market, up 8% compared to 2021 turnover. Once again, performance was positive both in established markets like Italy, France and Germany, and in expanding markets, such as South Africa and the Middle East, as well as in those more affected by the geopolitical turmoil of the year just ended, such as Poland and Estonia. The combination of the company’s ‘Always in Stock’ philosophy and the management’s long-term vision have enabled Osculati to meet the constant growth in demand while containing and overcoming supply shortages and global transport constraints.