
20 Goal 1: Putting an end to poverty in all its forms. 2: Ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. 4: Providing quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all. 3: Ensuring health and well-being for all, and for all ages. 5: Achieving gender equality and strengthening the social status of all women and girls. 10: Reducing inequalities within and between nations. Support for associations engaged in the fight against poverty and hunger in the world. Promotion of training and refresher courses for employees and collaborating workers. Specific information and activities to raise health awareness among our employees. Support to organizations dedicated to providing health assistance to the most vulnerable populations. Commitment to overcoming gender differences and reducing inequalities particularly among its employees and others working with the company. Osculati’s commitment 6: Ensuring the availability of water and sanitation facilities for all. 7: Ensuring access to affordable, sustainable and modern energy systems for all. Inclusion of water purifiers on sites and a commitment to reducing consumption. Production of energy from renewable sources through the use of photovoltaic panels and geothermal heating systems. Promotion of more sustainable mobility among employees and contractors. 8: Promoting lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. 9: Building a resilient infrastructure, promoting innovation and fair, responsible and sustainable industrialisation. Modernisation of the work space in offices, logistics and production. In particular, the production site has been entirely redesigned, with the inclusion also of lean workstations. Investment in machinery that facilitates automation and reduces the working effort of human resources. Promotion of products with an eco-sustainable footprint.