
15 Development In 2022, the three-year investment plan of around €2M, that began in 2019, was completed, affecting several areas of the company, notably logistics, production and the administrative offices. About €200,000 were invested in the Segrate headquarters this year: • Improving the working environment by creating new modern functional spaces; • Creating new workstations to provide the necessary operational space for future new recruits; • Improving the general well-being of all the people working in Osculati’s offices. The new offices were opened in September 2022. Point of pride: the team that has managed the work is entirely female, from Osculati’s Project Manager to the designer and the safety coordinator, real evidence of Osculati’s commitment to being an inclusive company, where gender equality and the empowerment of all women is a priority issue. Finally, the company continued to invest in more advanced IT systems and generally in the constant improvement of the company as a whole.