
Osculati S.r.l. SEGRATE (MI) - ITALY DESIGN PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTION Osculati & C. S.p.A. LUCCA - ITALY DISTRIBUTION TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION 12 Osculati brand Osculati is today made up of several companies: Osculati S.r.l. headquartered in Segrate, Via Pacinotti 12 is the hub of the brand, playing central role at the strategic level and setting the general guidelines. Its area of competence is both national and international, and it deals with large shipyards and dealers worldwide. From the parent company, new products are also selected, designed and developed while there is also a production area where a part of the products of in-house design are manufactured. The company has been a member of Confindustria Nautica since 1982, i.e. more than 40 years. Osculati & C. S.p.A. based in Lucca, via Sottopoggio snc, it was established in 1975 with the opening of the Versilia branch, under the leadership of partners Stefano and Francesco Gambogi. The company focusses particularly on marketing the Osculati catalogue products particularly in this region. The reporting scope of this report refers only to Osculati S.r.l. However, the affiliated company based in Lucca has long supported sustainability measures in every aspect.