Osculati - Master Catalogue 2025 - ENG

973 Sinks, cookers, refrigerators, toilets 50 Spare parts and accessories for STANDARD and EVOLUTION electric toilets Code Description 50.207.13 Electric WC Space Saver 12V with soft close plastic seat 50.205.13 WC electric Space Saver 12V wooden seat 50.207.12/24 Compact electric toilet 12V/24V with soft-close plastic seat 50.205.12/24 Electric WC Compact 12V/24V with wooden seat 50.206.12/24 Electric toilet large bowl 12/24 plastic seat soft close 50.245.12 Electric WC Evolution Space Saver 12V 50.246.12/24 WC electric Evolution Compact 12V/24V Number Description Code 1 WC seat in white lacquered wood, standard cup for 50.205.12/24; 50.207.12/24; 50.205.13; 50.245.12; 50.246.12/24 50.207.28 1 Soft close large plastic WC seat for 50.206.12/24 50.207.52 2 Base + gasket 50.245.12; 50.246.12/24 50.209.81 3 Motor group 12V for 50.246.12; 50.245.12 50.209.91 3 Motor group 24V for 50.246.24 50.209.92 2+9+10 Baseplate kit + gasket + straight drain fitting + check valve for 50.205.12/24; 50.206.12/24; 50.207.12/24; 50.205.13; 50.207.13 50.209.82 3+4+6+7+8 Replacement pump kit 12V 50.205.12; 50.206.12; 50.207.12; 50.205.13; 50.207.13 50.209.62 3+4+6+7+8 Replacement pump kit 24V 50.205.24; 50.206.24; 50.207.24 50.209.63 4 Drainage Kit Rubber Holder + Ring for 50.245.12; 50.246.12/24 50.209.17 6 Complete inlet pump kit for 50.246.12/24; 50.245.12 50.209.66 7 Seal and impeller kit 50.205.12/24; 50.206.12/24; 50.207.12/24; 50.205.13; 50.207.13 50.207.23 7A Sealing kit for 50.246.12/24; 50.245.12 50.207.14 8 Water intake impeller 16.193.73 9+10 90° Angled Drain Connection + Non-return Valve for 50.205.12/24;50.206.12/24 50.207.12/24; 50.205.13 50.209.15 9+10 Straight drainage fitting + non-return valve 50.205.12/24;50.206.12/24 50.207.12/24; 50.205.13 50.209.14 11 Ceramic replacement Compact for 50.205.12/24; 50.207.12/24; 50.245.12 50.207.36 11 Ceramic replacement Large for 50.206.12/24 50.207.44 11 Ceramic replacement Space Saver for 50.205.13; 50.207.13; 50.245.12 50.207.37 14 WC seat hinge kit 50.207.49 1 Standard Soft Close Plastic WC Seat for 50.205.12/24; 50.207.12/24; 50.207.13; 50.245.12; 50.246.12/24 50.207.51 5 Kit for water injection into the bowl with straight fitting 50.207.16 5A Water injection kit into the bowl, 90° connection 50.207.43 15 Switch panel 50.204.44 \ Electric toilet unit \ Evolution electric toilet unit \ 1 \ 7 \ 8 \ 7A \ 15 \ 11 Toilet installation kit Includes thru-hull scoop strainer, skin fitting, 2 hose adaptors and 2 sphere gate valves. Code For toilet type Brass ball valve Brass thru-hull scoop strainer Hose adaptor Content 50.205.02 Manual 1/2" + 1"1/4 1/2" + 1"1/4 1"1/4 x 39 mm + 1/2" x 20 mm 17.228.02 + 17.228.05 + 17.198.09 + 17.198.18 + 17.321.81 + 17.321.84 50.205.03 Electric 1/2" + 3/4" 1/2" + 3/4" 3/4" x 25 mm + 1/2" x 20 mm 17.228.02 + 17.228.03 + 17.198.09 + 17.198.12 + 17.321.81 + 17.321.82