741 Pulpits, Rod Holders, Candlesticks 41 Handle fitted with plastic base AISI 316 Made of precision-cast mirror-polished AISI316 stainless steel. Code Length mm Height mm Type of fastening Optional studs 41.105.00 170 40 2 x 8 Ø mm studs 40.142.08 41.105.01 170 40 2 screws - 41.106.00 300 50 2 x 8 Ø mm studs 40.142.08 41.106.01 300 50 2 screws - \ 41.105.00 \ 41.105.01 \ 41.106.00 \ 41.106.01 Handrail AISI 316 Made of mirror-polished AISI316 stainless steel, elliptical section. Code Length mm Section mm Central uprights Height mm 41.907.12 305 13x33 - 59 41.907.18 457 13x33 - 59 41.907.24 610 13x33 - 59 41.908.12 305 20x40 - 59 41.908.18 457 20x40 - 59 41.908.24 610 20x40 - 59 41.908.30 762 20x40 - 59 41.908.36 915 20x40 - 59 41.908.48 1220 20x40 1 59 41.908.60 1525 20x40 1 59 41.908.72 1829 20x40 1 59 41.908.82 2080 20x40 1 59 \ 41.907.12; 41.908.18 \ 41.908.18 External screw mounting kit for handrail Code Version 41.907.00 Kit: 2 plates + 2 screws for 41.907.12; 41.907.18; 41.907.24 41.908.00 Kit: 2 plates + 2 screws for 41.908.18; 41.908.24; 41.908.30; 41.908.36 41.908.01 Kit 3 plates + 3 screws for 41.908.48; 41.908.60; 41.908.72; 41.908.82 Deluxe handrail Made of 30-mm Ø mirror-polished AISI316 stainless steel covered with synthetic leather. Stud mounting. Code A mm B mm C mm D mm 41.912.15 450 310 270 M8 41.912.25 750 610 570 M10 Stainless steel pulpits Fitted with 22-mm diameter tube, mirror-polished finish and mounting studs. Bow pulpit for sails or pilot boats up to 7 metres Adjustable +/- 15 cm. Code Width cm Depth cm Height cm 41.670.00 80 90 45 Bow pulpit for sails up to 9 metres Made of AISI316 stainless steel. Adjustable +/- 15 cm. Fitted with central reinforcement tube. Code Width cm Depth cm Height cm 41.671.00 78 110 60 Stern pulpit for boats up to 7 metres 2-piece pulpit for sailing boats up to 7 metres. Code Width cm Side cm Opening angle Height cm 41.670.01 (rear view) 35 40 100° 45 Stern pulpit up to 9 metres Made of AISI316 stainless steel. 2-piece pulpit for sailing boats up to 9 metres. Fitted with central reinforcing pipe. Code Width cm Side cm Opening angle Height cm 41.671.01 (rear view) 40 43 100° 60