Osculati - Master Catalogue 2025 - ENG

602 Buoys, fenders 33 \ 33.504.01/02/03 \ 33.504.04/05/06 Flat fender profiles made of EVA+PE Made of a EVA 100+PE 30 sandwich (closed cell materials), they are floating and oil-resistant. Very sturdy and elastic, they can be used as emergency cushions or floating aids. Code cm Thickness cm External color 33.504.01 49x18x5 5 blue 33.504.02 65x31x8 8 blue 33.504.03 95x31x8 8 blue 33.504.04 49x18x5 5 grey 33.504.05 65x31x8 8 grey 33.504.06 95x31x8 8 grey \ 33.301.02/03/04/05 \ 33.301.52/53/54/55 FENDERTEX inflatable fabric cylindrical fender PATENT SPACE SAVING LIGHTNESS The inside is resistant to compression and tensile strength, the outside is made of fabric. Resistant, lightweight, handy product that saves space on board. Dope-dyed yarn very resistant to UV rays. Sturdy fabric that leaves no scratches or marks on the hull. Recommended minimum pressure 0.35 bar, maximum 0.50 bar. Model Colour Ø cm cm black dark grey C73 33.301.02 33.301.52 25 70 0.8 C84 33.301.03 33.301.53 30 80 1 C104 33.301.04 33.301.54 34 100 1.5 C124 33.301.05 33.301.55 36 120 2.2 \ Its patented design technique gives the fender extreme resistance to compression and traction FENDERTEX inflatable fabric spherical fender PATENT SPACE SAVING LIGHTNESS The inside is resistant to compression and tensile strength, the outside is made of fabric. Resistant, lightweight, handy product that saves space on board. Dope-dyed yarn very resistant to UV rays. Sturdy fabric that leaves no scratches or marks on the hull. Recommended minimum pressure 0.35 bar, maximum 1 bar. Model Colour Ø cm black dark grey S60 33.302.01 33.302.51 43 1.2 S70 33.302.02 33.302.52 50 1.6 FENDERTEX inflatable fabric tubular fender PATENT SPACE SAVING LIGHTNESS The inside is resistant to compression and tensile strength, the outside is made of fabric. Resistant, lightweight, handy product that saves space on board. Dope-dyed yarn very resistant to UV rays. Tubular fenders can be installed vertically as a classic fender but also horizontally, thanks to two special central straps that allow for greater constant protection coverage and improved stability. Recommended pressure: minimum 0.35 bar maximum 1 bar. Model black cm Thickness cm T124 33.303.05 120x36 18 2.4