Osculati - Master Catalogue 2025 - ENG

599 Buoys, fenders 33 POLYFORM G Series fender White colour, lightweight and inexpensive. Fitted with inflation/deflation valve. All pieces are individually tested. Model Code cm in cm in G1 33.509.01 8.9 3.5 32.5 12.8 0.3 12 G2 33.509.02 11.4 4.5 39.4 15.5 0.5 12 G3 33.509.03 14 5.5 48.3 19 0.9 6 G4 33.509.04 16.5 6.5 55.9 22 1.2 6 G5 33.509.05 22.4 8.8 68.1 26.8 2 4 G6 33.509.06 27.9 11 76.2 30 3 4 POLYFORM HTM series fender Heavy duty, made for thru-lin. Fitted with inflation/deflation valve. All pieces are individually tested. Model Colour white black cm in cm in HTM1 33.510.01 - 15.2 6 38.1 15 1.2 6 HTM2 33.510.02 33.510.12 20.3 8 50.8 20 2.1 4 HTM3 33.510.03 33.510.13 25.4 10 66 26 3.5 4 HTM4 33.510.04 33.510.14 30.5 12 86.4 34 4.8 4 POLYFORM A Series fender and buoy Fitted with inflation/deflation valve. All pieces are individually tested. Model White with blue head White with black head Redeye with blue head cm in cm in A0 33.600.05BI - 33.600.05RO 20.3 8 29.2 11.5 0.7 20 A1 33.600.12BI - 33.600.12RO 27.9 11 38.1 15 1.1 10 A2 33.600.27BI - 33.600.27RO 36.8 14.5 49.5 19.5 2 10 A3 33.600.50BI - 33.600.50RO 43.2 17 58.4 23 3.1 10 A4 33.600.78BI 33.602.78 33.600.78RO 52.1 20.5 68.6 27 4.1 10 A5 33.600.86BI 33.602.86 33.600.86RO 68.6 27 91.4 36 9 5 A6 33.600.94BI - 33.600.94RO 86.4 34 111.8 44 15.5 3 A7 33.600.95BI - 33.600.95RO 99.1 39 137.2 54 25.5 2 \ Redeye with blue head \ White with blue head \ White with black head