595 Radar reflectors, first aid kits, and floating anchors 32 First Aid Kit Box France French marine first aid kit box, in compliance with DIVISION 240. Code Type Navigation Content mm 32.916.01 Coastal navigation Within 6 miles 5 compressed gauze packs 30x30 cm; 1 medicated plaster 6x1 m; 1 box of 20 assorted plasters; 1 roll of white TNT adhesive tape 1.5x5 m; 1 pack of hydrophilic cotton; 2 bandages 4x6 m; 1 bottle of disinfectant 125 ml; 1 First Aid manual in French 235x190x43 32.916.02 Semi deep sea navigation Within 60 miles 5 sterile gauze pads 20x20 cm; 1 compressive bandage Emocontrol; 1 bandage 10x4 m; 1 box of 20 assorted plasters; 10 sachets of disinfectant Chlorhexidine; 4 pairs of sterile copolymer gloves; 1 reel of white TNT plaster 2.50x5 m; 1 bottle of disinfectant 125 ml; 1 gold/silver thermal blanket; 1 large adhesive plaster 10x6 cm; 1 First Aid manual in French 263x180x83 32.916.03 Deep sea navigation Over 60 miles 5 sterile gauze pads 20x20 cm; 5 sterile gauze pads 30x30 cm; 2 sterile gauzes soaked in anti-burn gel 10x10 cm; 1 bandage 10x4 m; 1 bandage 6x4 m; 1 roll of white TNT plaster 2.5x5 m; 1 box of 20 assorted plasters; 1 Emocontrol compressive bandage; 8 large plasters 10x6 cm; 2 triangular sheets; 10 packets of Chlorhexidine disinfectant; 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide 250 ml; 1 LIESTER scissors 14.5 cm; 1 gold/silver thermal blanket; 4 pairs of sterile copolymer gloves; 1 adhesive cross; 1 First Aid manual in French 290x215x90 \ 32.916.01 \ 32.916.02 \ 32.916.03 Medic 0 first aid case Code 32.914.51 It contains 11 first-aid items. For navigation within a 12-mile sea range. Size: 13x18x7cm. Content: - 1 x 96x96x136-cm TNT triangular towel. - 1 x 5-g compressed cotton wool in case. - 1 x cellophane gauze bandage (3.5 m x 7 cm) - 1 x roll of WHITE TNT plaster (5 m x 1.25 cm). - 2 x 18x40-cm sterile gauze pads (packed individually). - 1 case x 10 assorted plasters. - 1 x 10-cm STD scissors with plastic handle. - 1 pair of sterile COPOLIM gloves (one size fits all). - 3 x PMC antiseptic towels. - 1 x little adhesive PVS cross (white and green). - Quantity 1 First Aid Manual in German. HELP first aid kit case Code 32.914.54 For pleasure boating and local fishing or for personal use. Dimensions: 25.2x20.5x8.7 cm. Content: - 6 x 18x40-cm sterile gauze pads (packed individually). - 1 x 250-ml bottle of PMC antiseptic solution. - 4 x Cambric gauze bandage (4 m x 5 cm). - 1 case x 10 assorted plasters. - 1 x Cambric gauze bandage (4 m x 7 cm). - 1 x roll of WHITE TNT plaster (5 m x 1.25 cm). - 2 x 125-g compressed cotton wool. - 1 x 10x10-cm ATTIVA GRAS paraffin sterile gauze pad. - 1 x 14.5-cm Lister scissors DIN. - 1 x NITRILE tourniquet. - 1 x 22x3-cm plastic splint. Premier Help+F first aid kit case For pleasure boating, local fishing and personal use. The case has a compartment dedicated to store the medicines prescribed by different national laws. Watertight case, dimensions: 38x26x14 cm. Content: - 6 sterile gauzes 18x40 cm; - 1 disinfectant 250 ml; - 4 Din bandages 4x6 cm; - 1 case with 10 assorted plasters; - 1 Din bandage 4x8 cm; - 1 roll of 5x1.25 TNT white adhesive plaster; - 1 sterile gauze in bag for burns soaked in paraffin 10x10cm; - 1 LIESTER scissors 14.5 cm; - 1 Nitrile hemostatic tourniquet; - 2 splints for fractures 22x3 cm; - 1 sterile gauze pad 25x10 cm x10 layers; - 1 pack of cotton 50g; - 5 ammonia wipes 3ml; - 1 label for table D D.M. 25/5/1988 N.279; - 1 First Aid manual. Code Description of the content 32.914.45 Croatian Seasickness bands Code 32.913.00 Pair of bracelets to prevent nausea without using medicines and without having side effects. They press the acupunture P6, or Nei Guan, spot which is connected with motion/sea-sickness, thus inhibiting it.