435 Manhole, porthole 19 LEWMAR Low Profile hatch spare parts For hatches manufactured from 1998 on (see code A399XX03, 359XX503, etc. on plexiglass lens). For hatch models Friction lever Seal Hinge kit Hinge cover (10 pcs) RIGHT+LEFT locking lever kit Plexiglass* Frame coupling rod Hatch stay 0 - 19.901.00 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.02** - 19.903.07 - 3 - 19.901.03 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.02** - 19.903.07 - 10 - 19.901.10 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.02** 19.902.10 19.903.07 - 18 - 19.901.18 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 - - - 20 - 19.901.20 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.02** 19.902.20 19.903.07 - 22 19.903.01 19.901.22 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 - - - 30 19.903.01 19.901.30 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.902.30 19.903.07 19.903.08 40 19.903.01 19.901.40 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.902.40 19.903.07 19.903.08 44 19.903.01 19.901.44 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.902.44 19.903.07 19.903.08 50 19.903.01 19.901.50 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 - 19.903.07 19.903.08 54 19.903.01 19.901.54 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 - 19.903.07 19.903.08 60 19.903.01 19.901.60 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.902.60 19.903.07 19.903.08 65 19.903.01 19.901.65 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 - 19.903.07 19.903.08 * Plexiglass with gasket and handles for hatches with clutch. For models without corresponding available on order ** 19.910.02 It only contains the left lever \ 19.903.01 \ 19.903.05 \ 19.903.06 \ 19.903.07 \ 19.910.02 \ 19.910.11 \ 19.903.08 LEWMAR Medium Profile hatch spare parts For hatches manufactured from 1998 on (see code A399XX02, 359XX503, etc. on plexiglass lens). For hatch models Friction lever Fitting* Hinge kit Hinge cover (10pcs) RIGHT+LEFT closing lever kit Frame coupling rod Hatch stay 30 19.903.01 19.911.30 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 40 19.903.01 19.911.40 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 44 19.903.01 19.911.44 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 50 19.903.01 - 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 54 19.903.01 19.911.54 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 60 19.903.01 19.911.60 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 65 19.903.01 - 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 70 19.903.01 - 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 77 19.903.01 - 19.903.05 19.903.06 19.910.11 19.903.07 19.903.08 * Seals for models without corresponding code are available on request Plexiglass upon request \ 19.903.01 \ 19.903.05 \ 19.903.06 \ 19.903.07 \ 19.910.11 \ 19.903.08