Osculati - Master Catalogue 2025 - ENG

279 Hand showers, hand pumps 15 Showers and deck showers Classic Evo deck shower with Tiger stainless steel shower head Stainless steel shower head, UV-resistant ASA white housing. White door RETAIL (1pc) White door BULK (10pcs) Stainless steel door with white compartment RETAIL (1pc) mm Pipe in Hose m recess outer dimensions 15.163.00 15.163.00BU 15.163.70 Ø70x44 Ø95 Net PVC 2.5 15.163.01 15.163.01BU 15.163.71 Ø70x44 Ø95 Net PVC 4 15.163.30 15.163.30BU 15.163.80 Ø70x44 Ø95 SS 2.5 15.163.31 15.163.31BU 15.163.81 Ø70x44 Ø95 SS 4 15.163.60 15.163.60BU 15.163.90 Ø70x44 Ø95 White nylon 2.5 15.163.61 15.163.61BU 15.163.91 Ø70x44 Ø95 White nylon 4 15.290.55Hose bag (option) \ 15.163.00/01 \ 15.163.80/81 \ Net PVC \ White nylon \ Stainless steel \ 15.163.00/01/60/61 \ 15.163.70/71/80/81/90/91 New Edge deck shower with Tiger stainless steel shower head Stainless steel shower head, UV-resistant ASA white housing. White door RETAIL (1pc) White door BULK (10pcs) Stainless steel door RETAIL (1 pc) mm Pipe in Hose m recess outer dimensions 15.164.00 15.164.00BU 15.164.70 Ø70x40.5 88x95 Net PVC 2.5 15.164.01 15.164.01BU 15.164.71 Ø70x40.5 88x95 Net PVC 4 15.164.30 15.164.30BU 15.164.80 Ø70x40.5 88x95 SS 2.5 15.164.31 15.164.31BU 15.164.81 Ø70x40.5 88x95 SS 4 15.164.60 15.164.60BU 15.164.90 Ø70x40.5 88x95 White nylon 2.5 15.164.61 15.164.61BU 15.164.91 Ø70x40.5 88x95 White nylon 4 15.290.55Hose bag (option) \ 15.164.00/01 \ 15.164.80/81 \ 15.164.00/01/60/61 \ 15.164.70/71/80/81/90/91 \ White nylon \ Net PVC \ Stainless steel Classic Evo deck shower with Mizar push-button shower Chromed brass shower head, UV-resistant ASA white housing. White door RETAIL (1pc) White door BULK (10pcs) Chromed door RETAIL (1 pc) Chromed Door BULK (10pcs) Stainless steel door RETAIL (1 pc) mm Pipe in Hose m recess outer dimensions 15.250.00 15.250.00BU 15.250.06 15.250.06BU 15.250.70 Ø70x44 Ø95 Net PVC 2.5 15.250.01 15.250.01BU 15.250.07 15.250.07BU 15.250.71 Ø70x44 Ø95 Net PVC 4 - - 15.150.06 15.150.06BU 15.250.80 Ø70x44 Ø95 SS 2.5 - - 15.150.07 15.150.07BU 15.250.81 Ø70x44 Ø95 SS 4 15.250.60 15.250.60BU - - 15.250.90 Ø70x44 Ø95 White nylon 2.5 15.250.61 15.250.61BU - - 15.250.91 Ø70x44 Ø95 White nylon 4 15.290.55Hose bag (option) \ 15.250.00/01 \ 15.150.06/07 \ 15.250.70/71 \ Stainless steel \ 15.250.00/01/60/61 \ White nylon \ 15.250.06/07; 15.150.06/07 \ 15.250.70/71/80/81/90/91 \ Net PVC