Osculati - Master Catalogue 2025 - ENG

1143 Insulation, detergents, paints 65 Electronic antifouling system 4bready R antifouling ultrasound electronic device The fully patented 4breadyR device has been developed using the principle of ultrasonic wave to inhibit the growth of marine organisms such as cirripeds, mussels and barnacles. The device utilizes a microprocessor control unit in combination with non through-hull ultrasonic transducers secured to the inside of the hull. The number of transducers required varies according to the size of your boat, with each covering about 6 meters diameter. The number of transducers varies with the size of the vessel, with an operating coverage for each transducer of about 6 m in diameter. The instrument is supplied complete with two transducers and is therefore suitable for vessels up to 12 m. The main advantages derived from the use of this device are: -Fuel saving deriving from the hull cleaning - Fuel savings resulting from the cleaning of the hull; - Complete elimination of the use of harmful substances for the marine environment. Code Max consumption Cable standard length Transducer voltage Transducer power Frequency in sequence 65.895.00 900 ma 12 V 8 m 250 V to 850 V peak to peak 40/60 W 18 khz – 42.80 khz 65.895.02 10-m extension cable for transducers. 65.895.01 Additional transducer to extend coverage to boats up to 18 metres long. \ 65.895.00 \ 65.895.01 \ 65.895.02 Transparent paint RYLARD VG66 Premium clear varnish for wood substrates Transparent oil-phenolic wood varnish, highest quality with UV filters Combines excellent elasticity and durability over time with remarkable and persistent clarity. VG 66 Premium provides lasting protection for boats and wood exposed to weather, sun, and temperature fluctuations. On new or restored wood, apply 2 coats of VG 66 Premium diluted in turpentine at a ratio of 1/1. Apply 5/6 coats or more of pure product, at least 24 hours apart. A light sanding is recommended before applying the final coat. Do not apply on wet wood or on rainy days. Code Yield m²/l Drying to the touch h Repaintability h Package l 65.890.00 18 8 24 1