Osculati - Master Catalogue 2025 - ENG

1025 Tanks, propellers, impellers 52 Spare wing nut for outboard engines Johnson / Evinrude Made of black anodized aluminium; can replace the original plastic ones that have a limited use; include stainless steel pin for the installation (ref. OMC A-391421) Code 52.747.00 2 Spare wing nut for outboard engines Johnson / Evinrude Made of black anodized aluminium; include stainless steel pin for the installation (ref. OMC 398001). Code 52.747.01 2 Starting key Code Position Terminals Description 52.965.00 4 (ACC - OFF - IGN - START) 7 With pressure starter, very versatile, same as General MP4108 52.965.01 3 (OFF - IGN - START) 6 With pressure starter, with no accessory position, same as General 3976, Johson/Evinrude 333931/390133/390129/388175 52.966.00 3 (OFF - IGN - START) 6 With pressure starter, 6 wired cables, same as General 41072, for Mercury \ 52.965.00/01 \ 52.966.00 \ 52.965.00/01 \ 52.966.00 Impellers for outboard engines CEF MARINE For outboard engines Tohatsu Code Original reference Manufacturer's code HP (2 strokes) HP (4 strokes) Picture Insert Ø A mm Ø B mm C mm Blades 52.315.00 369-65021-1/M 377 4/5 4/5/6 10.25 33.60 14.2 6 52.344.00 3B2-65021-1/M 344 6/8/9.8 4/5/6 12 40 18 6 52.383.00 334-65021-0/M 383 9.9/15/18 9.9/15/18 13.97 40.8 23.4 8 52.382.00 345-65021-0/M; 3R0-650-210M 382 25/30/40 25/30 17.2 44.25 20.25 6 52.379.00 3C8-65021-2/M 379 40/50/70/90 - 17.2 50.4 20.2 6 52.388.00 3C7-65021-1/3B7-65021-2 388 60/70/90/115/140 - 20.3 65.75 35.2 6 52.313.00 309-65021-1/M 396 2.5/3.5/4.5 - 12 41 14 6