Osculati - Master catalogue 2024

608 Screws 37 Washer UNI 6592 DIN 125 Bolts and screws Code mm Code mm Code mm A4-125-03 3 200 A4-125-06 6 200 A4-125-12 12 50 A4-125-04 4 200 A4-125-08 8 100 A4-125-05 5 200 A4-125-10 10 50 Washer x 3 nominal diameter Bolts and screws Code mm Code mm Code mm A4-9021A-03X009 3 x 9 200 A4-9021A-06X018 6 x 18 100 A4-9021A-12X036 12 x 36 10 A4-9021A-04X012 4 x 12 200 A4-9021A-08X024 8 x 24 50 A4-9021A-05X015 5 x 15 200 A4-9021A-10X030 10 x 30 25 Serrated lock washer DIN 6798 Bolts and screws Code mm Code mm Code mm A4-6798-04 4 200 A4-6798-06 6 200 A4-6798-10 10 100 A4-6798-05 5 200 A4-6798-08 8 200 A4-6798-12 12 50 Grower washers UNI 1751 DIN 127 Bolts and screws Code mm Code mm Code mm A4-127-03 3 200 A4-127-06 6 200 A4-127-12 12 50 A4-127-04 4 200 A4-127-08 8 200 A4-127-05 5 200 A4-127-10 10 100 Stainless steel nuts, bolts and screws: A2 - AISI 304 Screws are sold in practical cardboard boxes. Self tapping screw cross head - oval, UNI 6954 DIN 7981 Bolts and screws Code mm Code mm Code mm A2-7981-02.9X010 2.9 x 10 200 A2-7981-03.9X038 3.9 x 38 100 A2-7981-04.8X032 4.8 x 32 100 A2-7981-02.9X013 2.9 x 13 200 A2-7981-04.2X010 4.2 x 10 200 A2-7981-04.8X038 4.8 x 38 50 A2-7981-02.9X019 2.9 x 19 200 A2-7981-04.2X013 4.2 x 13 200 A2-7981-04.8X045 4.8 x 45 50 A2-7981-03.5X010 3.5 x 10 200 A2-7981-04.2X016 4.2 x 16 200 A2-7981-04.8X050 4.8 x 50 50 A2-7981-03.5X013 3.5 x 13 200 A2-7981-04.2X019 4.2 x 19 100 A2-7981-05.5X016 5.5 x 16 50 A2-7981-03.5X016 3.5 x 16 200 A2-7981-04.2X022 4.2 x 22 100 A2-7981-05.5X022 5.5 x 22 50 A2-7981-03.5X019 3.5 x 19 200 A2-7981-04.2X025 4.2 x 25 100 A2-7981-05.5X032 5.5 x 32 50 A2-7981-03.5X025 3.5 x 25 100 A2-7981-04.2X032 4.2 x 32 100 A2-7981-05.5X038 5.5 x 38 50 A2-7981-03.5X032 3.5 x 32 100 A2-7981-04.2X038 4.2 x 38 100 A2-7981-05.5X050 5.5 x 50 25 A2-7981-03.5X038 3.5 x 38 100 A2-7981-04.2X045 4.2 x 45 100 A2-7981-06.3X019 6.3 x 19 50 A2-7981-03.9X010 3.9 x 10 200 A2-7981-04.2X050 4.2 x 50 50 A2-7981-06.3X025 6.3 x 25 50 A2-7981-03.9X016 3.9 x 16 200 A2-7981-04.8X013 4.8 x 13 100 A2-7981-06.3X032 6.3 x 32 25 A2-7981-03.9X019 3.9 x 19 200 A2-7981-04.8X016 4.8 x 16 100 A2-7981-06.3X045 6.3 x 45 25 A2-7981-03.9X022 3.9 x 22 100 A2-7981-04.8X019 4.8 x 19 100 A2-7981-06.3X060 6.3 x 60 25 A2-7981-03.9X025 3.9 x 25 100 A2-7981-04.8X022 4.8 x 22 100 A2-7981-03.9X032 3.9 x 32 100 A2-7981-04.8X025 4.8 x 25 100