Osculati - Master catalogue 2024

496 Engine instruments and installations 27 Accessories for VDO series Oceand and View Line E27.674.00 E27.674.10 VDO - Fuel tank float Fuel floats | Fuel level sensors Code Description Resistance Ω V 27.674.00 150- to 605-mm adjustable lever float fitted with fastening counterflange 27.674.10 3-180 12/24 27.674.10 Kit including 2 x metal ring nuts + 2 x fastening seals (screws included) - Float for water tank Float for capacitative water tank. It can be cut on demand. It matches instruments 27.574.02 OCEAN series. Sensors | Thermometers | Transmitters | Oil Code For depth mm 27.677.00 80-600 27.677.01 600-1200 27.677.02 1200-1500 VDO sensor for grey or black water tanks Sensor for grey or black water tanks, with electrolytic separator and 2 adjustable warning thresholds. They match 27.485.01, 27.585.01, 27.474.18 (VIEW LINE + OCEAN). Fuel floats | Fuel level sensors Code Adjustable range mm 27.678.01 200/600 27.678.02 600/1200 E 27.678.01 VDO Rudder angle sensor Engine control instruments, sensors for Code Station V 27.176.00 single 12/24 27.176.10 double 12/24 VDO Resistors to feed at 24V Engine control instruments, resistors for Code Suitable for 27.599.15 all Ø mm 52 instruments Water/oil temperature sensor To be paired to indicators Osculati, Guardian, VDO, etc. Temperature sensors Code Version Range Thread Poles With alarm Code Version Range Thread Poles With alarm grounded insulated grounded insulated 27.792.00 Water 70° - 120° M 14 x 1.5 x x 27.819.02 Water 70° - 120° 1/2 - 14NPT x 27.810.00 Water 70° - 120° M 14 x 1.5 x 27.819.03 Oil 50° - 150° 1/2 - 14NPT x 27.811.00 Oil 50° - 150° M 14 x 1.5 x 27.826.00* Olio 70° - 120° M 14 x 1.5 x 27.812.00** Oil 70° - 120° 1/4 x 18NPT x x 27.826.01 Olio 50° - 150° M 14 x 1.5 x 27.812.01 Water 70° - 120° 1/4 x 18NPT x 27.877.03 Water 70° - 120° M 18 x 1.5 x 27.812.02 Water 70° - 120° 1/4 x 18NPT x 27.827.00 Water 40° - 120° M 18 x 1.5 x 27.812.03 Oil 50° - 150° 1/4 x 18NPT x 27.827.01 Olio 50° - 150° M 18 x 1.5 x 27.813.00 Oil 50° - 150° M 14 x 1.5 x x 27.827.02 Water 40° - 120° M 18 x 1.5 x x 27.818.00 Water 70° - 120° M 14 x 1.5 x 27.827.03 Olio 50° - 150° M 18 x 1.5 x 27.818.01 Oil 70° - 120° M 14 x 1.5 x 27.450.00 Water 70° - 120° 1/8" - 27NPT x 27.819.00 Water 70° - 120° 1/2 - 14NPT x 27.450.01 Olio 70° - 120° 1/8" - 27NPT x 27.819.01 Oil 70° - 120° 1/2 - 14NPT x 27.450.02 Oil 50° - 150° 1/8" - 27NPT x * Genuine VDO - Bosch type. ** Genuine VDO. E27.561.00 Oil pressure bulbs Signal output 10 - 184 Ω. To be paired with indicators Osculati, Guardian, VDO, etc. Rated voltage: 6 V to 24 V. Engine control instruments, sensors for Code Bar Thread Grounded With alarm Preset for double station Code Bar Thread Grounded With alarm Preset for double station Poles Poles Poles Poles 27.500.00 5 1/8-27 NPT x 27.557.00* 10 1/8-27 NPT x x 27.561.01 5 1/8-27 NPT x 27.563.00 10 1/8-27 NPT x 27.565.01 5 1/8-27 NPT x x 27.565.00 10 1/8-27 NPT x 27.561.00* 5 M 10x1 x 27.503.00 10 M 10x1 x 27.565.03 5 M 10x1 x x 27.507.00 10 M 10x1 x x 27.502.00 10 1/8-27 NPT x 27.562.00 10 M 10x1 x * Genuine VDO