230 Electrical materials 14 Groundplates and accessories Groundplate mass plate equipped with nuts and bolts Made of porous bronze, essential to acquire an appropriate mass to install Loran, GPS, Navigators, radio-telephones SSB and to cut down radio interferences. Ground wires Code Type Equal to copper mass m2 mm 29.630.01 Standard 1.5 155x51x13 29.630.02 Giant 3.45 300x80x13 29.630.00 Medium 2 205x64x13 Plate made of galvanized copper Type-approved size by RINA standards, size 2x20 mm, suitable for connections among them and to various ground cables. Copper plate Groundplates and accessories Code Bar size m 14.392.00 2.10 Tin-plated copper plait Flexible plait for ground cables. Ground wires Code Section mm2 Roll m 14.393.00 10 25 Terminal boards and shunts Watertight electrical shunt box Made of bakelite. Easily removable cover for inspection. Fitted with terminal board. Waterproof electric boxes Code Material Input Clamps mm 14.240.01 black plastic 3 (2 medium,1 small) 8 (4+4) 76x127x45 8 pole terminal board, 14A, 100% watertight Clear polycarbonate cover, salt water-resistant rubber body; ideal for bilge connections or for use in engine rooms. Watertight terminal boards Code Poles Max A mm 14.241.10 8 14 108x92x41 E14.206.27 E14.206.21 E14.206.25 Terminal board made of Bakelite, high-insulated model Fitted with nickel plated brass terminal clamps. Separators to avoid accidental contacts. Terminal boards Code N. of terminals A mm 14.206.21 10 20 130x30x15 14.206.25 4 20 65x30x15 14.206.27 6 20 85x30x15 E14.206.37/47 E14.206.41/51 E14.206.35 Electrical cables terminals Made of black plastic, fitted with clear protection cover. Separators for unwanted contacts, nichelplated brass screws and terminals. Terminal boards Code N. of terminals A mm 14.206.35 4 20 50x23 14.206.37 6 20 70x23 14.206.41 10 20 137x32 14.206.47 6 30 90x30 14.206.51 10 30 138x30 E14.286.42 E14.286.50/51 E14.286.34/36 E14.286.24/26 E14.286.54/56 WAGO® series 221 splicing connectors with snap opening/ closing NO TOOL Ideal easily, quickly and safely connect solid, stranded and fine-stranded conductors. Pull the lever up, insert a conductor and push the lever back down. For a faster and safer electrical system. Mounting carriers are available for every 221 Series Splicing Connector – whether it’s the 2-, 3- or 5wire model. They can be mounted vertically or horizontally. Secure the carrier by snapping it onto the DIN-rail, or with screws on smooth surfaces. Conductors can be conveniently connected and removed before or after inserting a connector into the carrier. Max ambient temperature: 85°C. Connecting terminals | WAGO Osculati code WAGO code Description No of conductors Conductor section mm² 14.286.24 221-412 COMPACT 4 mm² 2 0.14 - 4 14.286.34 221-413 COMPACT 4 mm² 3 0.14 - 4 14.286.54 221-415 COMPACT 4 mm² 5 0.14 - 4 14.286.50 221-500 Fixing support for 4 mm² - - 14.286.26 221-612 COMPACT 6 mm² 2 0.5 - 6 14.286.36 221-613 COMPACT 6 mm² 3 0.5 - 6 14.286.56 221-615 COMPACT 6 mm² 5 0.5 - 6 14.286.51 221-510 Fixing support for 6 mm² - - 14.286.42 221-2411 4-mm² in-line joining connector 2 0.2 - 4